A walk around Seattle’s Art Deco Architecture

I have always admired and photographed buildings I feel inspired by, and I have learned a little about them through observation and curiosity. Just recently, I joined an architectural tour with the Seattle Architecture Foundation to learn more about the Art Deco movement in Seattle.

Even though this was not a photography tour, and I could not carry my tripod along or a tilt-shift lens, a few photographers, architects, and I were carrying our cameras and capturing the things that stood out to us.

We walked from the Fairmont Hotel toward the Seattle Tower, onto the 1411 Fourth Ave building, The Exchange Building, and the Federal Office Building, and ending with the Washington Athletic Club. There is so much to see in each of these structures and I hope you get a view of each.

Click on an image to see them all in full size.

Feel free to share your favorite buildings with me. I am on a mission to capture more of these beauties. And yeah, the last building is not technically Art Deco, but it snuck in.

To view the entire album, please click here.


The art of capturing interior design and architectural spaces: Why quality photography matters, especially today.